How to Help

SGF welcomes donations for any and all of the following purposes:

  • In celebration – to commemorate a birthday, wedding, graduation, or other occasion
  • In memory – to acknowledge the life of someone who has passed on
  • In hope or prayer – to offer support for someone who is ill or facing a tough challenge
  • Year-end or other gifts
  • Directed donations targeted to specific programs (such as the SGF/Winona Partnership to help eligible boys attend Camp Winona in Bridgton, ME)

Donations can be made by check or credit card. Gifts of appreciated stock and bequests are welcomed as well.

SGF is a 501(c)3 public charity, Federal ID # 04-3565429. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law and will be acknowledged accordingly.

Donate by Check

To donate by check, please mail your contribution to:

Steve Glidden Foundation
58 Westminster Rd.
Newton Centre, MA 02459

Donate using Venmo (fee free)

It’s easy to use your Venmo app to make a one-time donation! SGF’s Venmo username is @SteveGliddenFoundation and our email address is

Donate through the PayPal Giving Fund (fee free)

If you have an existing PayPal account (or if you sign up for one), you can make a one-time donation using the PayPal Giving Fund (which is its own 501(c)3 entity and thus handles all tax-related acknowledgements)

Donate One-Time or Monthly using PayPal (fees charged to SGF)

Both one-time and recurring (for example, monthly)donations can be made through PayPal. There are modest fees associated with this method (2.9% + $0.30 per donation).

Donate Appreciated Stock or Make a Bequest

SGF welcomes donations of appreciated stock as well as bequests. Please contact us at and we will work with you to best meet your priorities.

Every dollar donated to or raised by SGF funds the Summer Camp Scholarship Program, and thus promotes the safe and enriching experiences that are so crucial to healthy child development.